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  • Capital St. George´s (12°03´N 61°45´W)
  • International airport(s) Maurice Bishop International Airport, St. George´s
  • Official language(s) English
  • Currency East Caribbean dollar (XCD)
  • Time UTC -4
  • Region Caribbean
Grenada consists of several islands, some of them uninhabited. The main island, also called Grenada, is a mountainous island 140 km north of Trinidad and Tobago on the border of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The two next biggest islands, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, are 40‐50 km north from the main island. All three islands are volcanic in origin, but the volcanoes are, currently, not active. The only active volcano in the area is called Kick'em Jenny, a submarine volcano. Grenada's highest point is Mount St. Catherine, 840 m above sea level.
The climate of Grenada is tropical, with a cooler and dryer season from January to May and a hot and rainy season from June to December. The average annual rainfall is around 1 500 mm, and on the lower areas of the main island at about 2 000 mm. However, February, March and April see rainfall of below 70 mm. -—
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The area around the highest point, St. Catherine volcano, receives even more rain, 3 500 mm annually. Carriacou and Petite Martinique are a bit dryer with less than 1 500 mm of rain per year. The average temperature is very stable, with lows around 22‐24 °C and highs around 30‐31 °C. Monthly average temperatures vary only little between 26 to 28 °C -—
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. The sea water temperature ranges from 27 to 29 °C. Grenada is rarely affected by hurricanes.
Tourism plays an important role in Grenada's economy ‐ since 2018, Grenada has attracted about 0.5 million tourist arrivals each year leading to an inbound tourism expenditure of about 46 per cent over GDP -—
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. Services, including tourism, form the largest economic sector with about an 80 per cent share of GDP -—
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. Important infrastructural investments and projects related to tourism have been recently reflected in the growth of the construction sector in Grenada. Another central industry is the production of spices, especially nutmeg and mace. Grenada is sometimes called the 'spice island', as it is one of the biggest producers of nutmeg in the world. The main export partners include the United States of America, Japan, Dominica, Saint Lucia and Saint Kitts and Nevis -—
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Grenada's culture is heavily influenced by the African roots of its population, although British and French influence in visible in food and cooking styles. The national dish 'oildown' is prepared by cooking with coconut milk until the milk has been completely absorbed. The dish includes a mixture of salted pigtail, pig's feet (trotters), salt beef and chicken, dumplings made from flour and some breadfruit, green banana, yam and potatoes. Music played is typically soca, calypso, reggae or rap.
Land areakm2
Arable land%
Forest area%
Exclusive economic zonekm2
Economic trendsMaritime transportPopulationInternational tradeEnvironmentInformation and communications technology
Gross domestic product
US dollars at constant prices (2015) in millions
GDP per capita



Productive Capacity Index


Economic and environmental vulnerability index


Consumer Price Index growth




Total %
Female %, Male %
Main economic sectors, 2019
Percentage of GDP
Tourist arrivals
Thousands of tourists, percentage of GDP
External financial resources
Percentage of GDP
Public debt as % of GDP



Fleet size
Number of ships
Ship type20112019
Total fleet1 4071 407
Oil tankers264266
Bulk carriers311333
General cargo16177
Container ships5249
Other types of ships619682
Port performance
Ranked by 2019 data within SIDS group
Indicators2019SIDS Ranking
Number of port calls50621
Median time in port (days)031
Average age of vessels1714
Average size (GT) of vessels35 4817
Container port throuput



Bilateral connectivity index, 2019
Top 5 partners
Liner shipping connectivity index
Maximum China Q1 2006=100
Total population
Thousands of people, share of urban population
Population development indicators
Poverty headcount (% of population)....
Human development index20180.8
Human assets index202097
Adult literacy rate (15+ years, both sexes %)....
Gender inequality index....
Life expectancy at birth


Population density


persons per km2


Age structure by gender, 2019
Percentage of total population
Merchandise and services trade
US dollars in millions
Indicators20052010201520192019 (% of GDP)
Merchandise exports282533322.6
Merchandise imports32831837247038.8
Services exports11615346765053.6
Services imports969420025821.3
Trade openness
Goods and services

% of GDP

Export concentration index


Food import
Average 2015-2019

Top 5 partners in merchandise trade, 2019
Exports in millions US dollars
Merchandise exports by product group, 2019
Services exports by category, 2019
CO2 emissions per capita
Kg per capita
CO2 emissions per GDP
Kg per 2010 US$ of GDP
Renewable energy share in total energy consumption, 2017
Percentage of total energy consumption
per capita









Disasters indicators
Data not available
Trade in ICT goods

Exports: %
Imports: %
Trade in ICT services

Exports: %
Imports: %
Share of
internet users


Fixed broadband vs Mobile broadband subscriptions
Number of subscriptions per 100 people
Source of data: -—
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except indicators listed below.
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    Donec tincidunt vel mauris a dignissim. Curabitur sodales nunc id vestibulum tempor. Nunc tortor orci, sodales nec eros eget.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Donec tincidunt vel mauris a dignissim. Curabitur sodales nunc id vestibulum tempor. Nunc tortor orci, sodales nec eros eget.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Donec tincidunt vel mauris a dignissim. Curabitur sodales nunc id vestibulum tempor. Nunc tortor orci, sodales nec eros eget.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Donec tincidunt vel mauris a dignissim. Curabitur sodales nunc id vestibulum tempor. Nunc tortor orci, sodales nec eros eget.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Donec tincidunt vel mauris a dignissim. Curabitur sodales nunc id vestibulum tempor. Nunc tortor orci, sodales nec eros eget.